Imagem de Nion M. Dransfeld

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Nion M. Dransfeld

Data Scientist

Hello and welcome! I’m Nion, and I’m passionate about the power of Data Science and Machine Learning to tackle complex challenges. On this platform, you’ll find a rich array of content that reflects my journey and expertise in these fields. Here’s what you can expect:

  • In-Depth Articles and Case Studies
  • Tutorials and Guides
  • Interactive Projects and Analyses
  • Resources and Recommendations


“Data science is not about making complicated models. It’s about making it simple enough to understand the problem at hand and then robustly solving it.” - Dr. N.R. Srinivasa Raghavan, Chief Global Data Scientist at Infosys.

“Overfitting is more dangerous than failing to build the most powerful model possible.” - Pedro Domingos, author of “The Master Algorithm”.

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